God Never Surrender to Love

I afraid up, afresh I say:
"Lord, I'm not strong. What happened? Why do we like this? I ..."
Unbearable tears. I wish to scream blood-soaked murder!
"I accept to let go of this issue, are you God? No charge to anticipate about it, right? Ahhh! I wish to bandy it! During this useless, no amount what I do no good."
There was no answer. Even as if God did not apprehend anyone agreeable in tears.
"God .. area you?" I connected to sob.
"Lord, how long, you see ... I abide to be affectionate in this case, I accumulate cat-and-mouse ..."
I took a abysmal breath. Sitting on the bed. Paused for a moment, afresh kutelungkupkan arch on the pillow. I cried again.

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